A cultural history of fear seeking

During my research on doomscrolling and its effects on the Brazilian population, I learned a lot, which surprised me, like the term doomscrolling, which was unknown to me. Although I already knew about sensationalist media and its impact on society, I was not aware of how this impact was also widespread due to social networks. It was fascinating to assimilate how the junction of sensationalist news, which attracts attention by nature, related to social media algorithms - always showing what most catches the user's attention - culminates in an exponential looping of bad news that causes fear, anxiety and worry.

Graphic about fake news rising

Articles on “Filter Bubble(s) / Echo Chamber(s)” (red) and “Fake News” (green) 2000 to 2017. Source: Scopus; Search arguments: (1) “filter bubble*” OR “echo chamber*” (TITLEABS-KEY), N = 272; (2) “fake news” (TITLE-ABS-KEY), N = 265.

It was also exciting to see how the human being, even if not pleasantly, is interested in this type of news, probably for an instinctive question. Which explains the success of newspapers that report and rely only on news of crime, murder and aggression.

Likewise, it was very interesting to realize that this already happened in Brazil long before computers were a thing. In 1964, the military that implemented the Brazilian dictatorship already used false and alarming news, such as a possible communist invasion, to scare the population and justify its maintenance in power. A method so effective that even today, many Brazilians who lived at that time still believe they were saved from a communist attack that never existed.

Truth theories


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Sep 24, 2021

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